Friday, July 25, 2008

We need to hear from the earth born humans!!

We need to hear from the Earth born humans!! your kind has spread violence all throughout your planets culture. Why should we "THE IDA" allow you to roam the Galaxy with your aggressive and violent behavior. You Reflect violence even in your faith traditions. It would be best that you would help "THE IDA" convince your kind to stay within the framework of this planet!!


unknown said...

why should we be worried about what other beings from the universe think or say about our planet.
We have enough to worry about on earth . Let the IDA take care of the other intelligent lifeforms in the Galaxy!!!
earthborn alpha

unknown said...

You represent more than you understand or know.

unknown said...

It is within your ability to prove your worth among the intelligence that moves freely throughout the universe.
The earthborn will need to show other lifeforms their ability to function without the use of violence as a motivation for their progress as sentient biological lifeforms.
The earthborn must learn how to respect the governance of the universe by these understandings.
Only when you show respect will you be given freedom to explore.

Gene therapy

Gene redirection is needed to curb violence in post-modern culture!! We must learn how to activate and use our frontal brain capacity This i...