Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Respect the Paranormal

There is so much that exists within this reality that we cannot explain and do not understand. The quest for explanation is a trait that seems to be part of the western mindset.

There are others on this planet that respect and honor what they cannot explain in words or through science. There is a universe of unexplained events and happenings that are a every day part of our existence. We dishonor our humanity when we disrespect paranormal phenomena by coming into the presence of others without their invitation.

All civilized societies and living forms should understand this. The unfortunate reality in western postmodern society is there is no respect and acknowledgement that there are places and things of this realm that cannot be invaded or just disrespected by our presence. There is no harm to inquiry with respect. This is not the normal way the earth born perceive the unexplained. They consider all realms of reality their s to do and define anyway they see fit. The problem with this wrong way of thinking is that it disrespects the reality of all. There are mysteries that must be explained by those that have been gifted with the knowledge and honor to hold true to that understanding.

We in the west seem to approach all unexplained phenomena as a license to create a playground for our diversions and bored existence. We need to respect this important part of the reality we live in this realm of existence. Western man is very flawed in his obsession with controlling and defining the realities that exist. Respect that which you do not understand and approach the learning about mystery with much reverence.

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