Monday, August 8, 2011

Falling skies

Why do we continue to present extra terrestrial alien presence as a negative in American culture?
Why is the response to the presence of extra terrestrial beings seen as a threat to
the global community?
Part of the problem is our inability to accept the reality that there are other lifeforms that reflect an higher intelligence than humankind.
We have been socialized to consider higher intelligence as a threat to our well being.

We have an tendency to destroy what we cannot dominate or control.
We create entertainment that reflects our tendency .
Consider Falling Skies:
The plot is always violent confrontation with an hostile alien extra terrestrial.
Why does there always have to be an enemy to conquer or overcome?
We know that sentient life forms can overcome this need to destroy and control the other.
Why do we need to revert back to our reptilian glory days of violence to solve questions of first contact with extra terrestrial life?
When will we ever learn how to communicate positive outcomes without the use of domination, power, and the need to control outcome?
The question is still important are we a truly sentient life form?
Why do we need a villain to invoke our humanity?

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